| Conclusion of an annex to the agreement on reduction of employment in Agora SA Regulatory filing
In reference to regulatory filings: 23/2016 dated 11th of October, 2016, 26/2016 dated 9th of November, 2016 and 28/2016 dated 6th of Decemeber, 2016, the Management Board of Agora SA (“the Company”, “Agora”) with its registered seat in Warsaw hereby informs about: (i) concluding on December 12th, 2016 an annex to trilateral agreement of 11th of October between Agora SA, trade unions operating at Agora S.A. (Organizacja Międzyzakładowa NSZZ "Solidarność" Agora S.A. i Inforadio Sp. z o.o.) and the Council of Employees of Agora SA regarding employment reduction (“the Annex”),
(ii) adopting by the Management Board of the Company on December 12th, 2016 resolution: a) to execute group layoffs in accordance with the provisions of the trilateral agreement dated 11th of October, 2016 which was communicated via regulatory filing 23/2016, b) to execute a letter of intent between the Company and trade unions operating at Agora S.A. (Organizacja Międzyzakładowa NSZZ "Solidarność" Agora S.A. i Inforadio Sp. z o.o.) regarding intention of both sides to work out rules regarding voluntary redundancy in “Gazeta Wyborcza” in case of reasons justifying the necessity to reduce employment in “Gazeta Wyborcza” in 2017.
In accordance with the Annex, the number of people affected by group layoffs shall grow from ca. 135 to not more than190.
The Company, in accordance with law requirements, shall submit an appropriate set of information, together with the signed Agreement, to a relevant Labor Office.
The total estimated costs related to reduction of employment by not more than 190 people shall amount to ca PLN 7.4 million and shall burden the Company’s and Group’s financial results in 4Q2016.
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