Subject: Resolution on the dividend payment made by the Annual General Meeting
Legal basis: Article 56.1 in connection with article 56.6 of the Polish Public Offering Act

The Management Board of UNIWHEELS AG (“Company”) informs that yesterday the Annual General Meeting adopted a resolution on the dividend payment. According to the resolution:
-The total amount of dividend to be distributed among shareholders is EUR 20,460,000 (in words: twenty million four hundred sixty thousand Euro).
-The total number of shares entitled to receive a dividend is 12,400,000 shares.
-The dividend per share is EUR 1.65 (in words: one Euro and sixty five Eurocents).
According to German stock corporation law and practice, the date of the Annual General Meeting is the date when the right to the dividend is determined (i.e. the dividend record date) and the dividend amount will be paid on the first working day after the Annual General Meeting, i.e. on 20 May 2016 (i.e. the dividend payment date).
Uniwheels EBI dividend.pdf
Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko Podpis
2016-05-20 10:06:39Michael CzoppExecutive Assistant CFO