Raport bieżący nr18/2008
Data sporządzenia: 2008-06-18
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
A.C.E. S.A.
Resolutions taken by the General Shareholders Meeting held on June 17, 2008
Podstawa prawna
Inne uregulowania
Treść raportu:
Management Committee of Automotive Components Europe S.A. herby informs about resolutions taken by the General Shareholders Meeting held on June 17, 2008: 1. AGENDA ITEM 4 Approval of (i) the report of the board of directors of the Company on the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2007 financial year; (ii) the report of the independent auditor on the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2007 financial year and (iii) the report of the statutory auditor on the annual accounts for the 2007 financial year. The Meeting approved (i) the report of the board of directors of the Company on the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2007 financial year; (ii) the report of the independent auditor on the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2007 financial year and (iii) the report of the statutory auditor on the annual accounts for the 2007 financial year. 2. AGENDA ITEM 5 Approval of the annual accounts for the 2007 financial year. The Meeting, after having reviewed the management report of the board of directors of the Company and the statement of the independent auditor, approved the annual accounts for the 2007 financial year in their entirety with a resulting loss of EUR 154,213. 3. AGENDA ITEM 6 Approval of the consolidated financial statement for the 2007 financial year The Meeting, after having reviewed the management report of the board of directors of the Company and the statement of the independent auditor, approved the consolidated financial statements for the 2007 financial year in their entirety. 4. AGENDA ITEM 7 Allocation of results The Meeting acknowledged, according to the stand alone accounts for the 2007 financial year that the Company had made a loss in an amount of EUR 154,213 and upon the proposal of the board of directors of the Company in its report, approved to allocate this loss to accumulated results of the Company. 5. AGENDA ITEM 8 Approval of the discharge of the directors of the Company The Meeting decided to grant discharge to the directors of the Company for the 2007 financial year. 6. AGENDA ITEM 9 Approval of the discharge of the statutory auditor of the Company The Meeting decided to grant discharge to the statutory auditor of the Company for the 2007 financial year. 7. AGENDA ITEM 10 Approval of the discharge of the independent auditor of the Company The Meeting decided to grant discharge to the independent auditor of the Company for the 2007 financial year. 8. AGENDA ITEM 11 Approval of the distribution of dividends against share premium The Meeting approved the repayment of a share premium in the global amount of EUR 2,432,678.60 amounting to EUR 0.11 per share to be paid from the share premium account at a time and place to be fixed by the board of directors of the Company. 9. AGENDA ITEM 12 Approval of the appointment of Deloitte SA as independent auditor of the Company to audit the consolidated and stand alone accounts of the Company, its mandate to expire at the annual general meeting of shareholders to approve the accounts of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 The Meeting approved the appointment of Deloitte SA as independent auditor of the Company to audit the consolidated and stand alone accounts of the Company, its mandate to expire at the annual general shareholders meeting to approve the accounts of the year ended December 31, 2008. 10. AGENDA ITEM 13 Authorisation to the board of directors of the Company and the corporate bodies of any subsidiaries of the Company, for a maximum period of twelve months, to purchase shares of the Company, at any time and as many times as it deems appropriate by any means permitted by law The Meeting authorised the board of directors of the Company and the corporate bodies of any of the subsidiaries of the Company, as referred to in articles 49-2 and 49-3 of the law of August 10, 1915 on commercial companies as amended, for a maximum period of twelve (12) months as of the date of this Meeting, to purchase shares of the Company at any time and as many times as it deems appropriate, by any means permitted by law. The maximum number of shares that may be acquired by the Company shall not exceed in total the maximum of two millions euros (EUR 2,000,000). The purchase may be charged to the year’s earnings and/or to unrestricted reserves or share premium. The shares may be sold or, subject to a decision of the shareholders taken at an extraordinary general meeting cancelled at a later date subject to the provisions of any applicable law or regulation. The maximum purchase price per share to be paid in cash shall not represent more than EUR 5.37, and no less than EUR 0.15. Such purchases and sales may be carried out for any purpose authorised or which would come to be authorised by the laws and regulations in force. All powers are granted to the board of directors of the Company, with delegation powers, in view of ensuring the performance of this authorization.
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A.C.E. S.A.Przemysł inne (pin)
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82 Route d'Arlon
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2008-06-18Raul SerranoDyrektor FinansowyRaul Serrano