Intercapital Property Development ADSIC, a company incorporated and conducting business in the Republic of Bulgaria, registered with the Commercial Registry by the Bulgarian Registration Agency under number EIK 131397743, having its seat and registered address in Sofia, 7a Aksakov Street, floor 4 (hereinafter referred to as "ICPD") presents an invitation for convocation of a Regular Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Company that shall be held on 29.06.2018 at 13:00, in Sofia city, 6 Dobrudzha Str., fl. 3. Hereby the Company presents written materials on the agenda of the General Meeting together with the respective enclosures.

Legal basis: § 17 Section 3 of the Alternative Trading System Rules NewConnect
ICPD_BoD minutes on OSA_2018_ENG.pdf
ICPD_AGM_2018_Annual Report_IRD_ENG.pdf
Articles of Association_ICPD_EN_2018.pdf
6 ICDP_OSA_2018_Annual report_Audit Committee_ENG.pdf
2018_03_28_ICPD_Declaration_CG_2017_draft EN.pdf
Auditors report_ICPD-EN.pdf
FS MCM 31 12 2017 EN_STATEMENT.pdf
ICPD_annual FS 2017_ENG.pdf
ICPD_Annual management report_2017_EN.pdf
ICPD_remuneration report_2017_en.pdf
Annual Consolidated Management Report ICPD 20172.pdf
Declaration for corporate management ICPD.pdf
Консолидиран Отчет ИКПД 2017_v2_eng.pdf
4702 - Одиторски доклад_МСС_ICPD_cons_EN_2018.pdf
Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko Podpis
2018-05-11 16:52:54Milen BozhilovInvestor relations director



ICPD_BoD minutes on OSA_2018_ENG.pdf

ICPD_AGM_2018_Annual Report_IRD_ENG.pdf

Articles of Association_ICPD_EN_2018.pdf

6 ICDP_OSA_2018_Annual report_Audit Committee_ENG.pdf

2018_03_28_ICPD_Declaration_CG_2017_draft EN.pdf

Auditors report_ICPD-EN.pdf

FS MCM 31 12 2017 EN_STATEMENT.pdf

ICPD_annual FS 2017_ENG.pdf

ICPD_Annual management report_2017_EN.pdf

ICPD_remuneration report_2017_en.pdf

Annual Consolidated Management Report ICPD 20172.pdf

Declaration for corporate management ICPD.pdf

Консолидиран Отчет ИКПД 2017_v2_eng.pdf

4702 - Одиторски доклад_МСС_ICPD_cons_EN_2018.pdf