Raport bieżący nr125/2013
Data sporządzenia:2013-10-17
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Extraordinary Announcement
Podstawa prawna
Treść raportu:
I. E-Star Alternative Energy Plc. informs its reputable investors in connection with the current status of the implementation of settlement agreement and the main events which have occurred hereunto as follows: 1. The Metropolitan Court registered into the Company Register the capital increase of the Company’s share capital from HUF 26,400,000 (twenty-six million four-hundred thousand HUF) to HUF 525,314,450 (five-hundred-twenty-five million three-hundred-fourteen thousand four-hundred-fifty HUF) on 16 09 2013. 2. The shares issued as the result of the capital increase have been created in favour of the below companies: 1. E-Star Reorganizáció-01 Kft. (number of shares: 2 123 980 units), 2. E-Star Transzfer-02 Kft. (number of shares: 24 626 875 units), 3. E-Star Debt-Equity-03 Kft. (number of shares: 3 634 918 units), 4. E-Star Capital-Share-04 Kft. (number of shares: 19 505 672 units). 3. The Company submitted to the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (currently Hungarian National Bank, “MNB") its consolidated prospectus necessary for introducing the shares to the stock exchange on 24 09 2013, and henceforth fulfilled its obligation in connection with the request of MNB for submitting additional missing information in connection with the prospectus. The final evaluation process of the prospectus is currently in progress. 4. The first round meetings have taken place between the Company and the security account providers on the implementation of the settlement agreement and the transfer of shares and corporate bonds. 5. The Company paid the administrator’s fee established by the Metropolitan Regional Court in its decree. II. The Company emphatically calls the attention of its creditors to follow the provisions set forth in the settlement with the creditors in order to implement the settlement with the creditors successfully, particularly but not exclusively including (i) sending the securities account number data required for crediting the shares by the deadline (Section 2.9.3. of the settlement with the creditors) and (ii) fulfilling the liabilities undertaken in relation with the transfer of bonds (Section 2.9.4. of the settlement with the creditors). The Company calls the attention of its creditors to the fact that it shall be able to transfer the shares to be distributed in the framework of the conversion only to those who have sent their required securities account number data to the Company (to the Company’s registered seat: 1134 Budapest, Klapka u. 11.) and - if they have bond claim - have entirely transferred their bonds in accordance with the provisions set forth in the settlement with the creditors. The value date for the transfer of corporate bonds will be published via announcement by the Company henceforth. Taking into account the above the Company asks its reputable creditors to contact their security account providers in the interest of successful transfer of bonds at the announced value date and to be able to give the necessary declarations and mandates prior thereto. The Company calls the attention of the reputable creditors to the fact that despite of the command included in the settlement agreement (2.9.4.) it cannot be excluded that the security account providers will ask for individual transfer mandates. The Company calls the attention of the reputable creditors to the fact that the bondholder creditors undertook the obligation in the settlement agreement to proceed in front of their security account providers in the interest of transferring the bonds pursuant to 2.9.4. and to issue all necessary declarations for the transfer of bonds. The Company also informs its reputable creditors that they may initiate the confirmation of their already sent security account details at the switchboard of the Company: 06-1-279-35-50. III. The Company - in line with the request of its creditors during the bankruptcy process – has undertaken to purchase the shares to be distributed to its connected entities for a consideration of HUF 366/share to partially cancel the purchased shares thereafter. Taking into account the above and the on-going audit and annual report preparation process, E-Star Management Zrt., E-Star Távhõfejlesztési Kft., RFV Józsefváros Kft., E-Star ESCO Kft. assigned their existing share receivables against the Project Companies under the settlement agreement to the Company for a consideration of HUF 366/share. The transfer of the shares will be taking place at the same time with the value date to be announced for the creditors. The transaction will not result in any cash transfer as the consideration will be set-off against the existing receivables of the connected entities against the Company, thus it will simplify the IC positions of the group, which has also been asked for by creditors in the past.
125_Extraordinary Announcement.pdf
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DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2013-10-17Csaba Soós Board of Directors