Raport bieżący nr78/2015
Data sporządzenia:2015-12-11
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Resignation of Statutory Auditor
Podstawa prawna
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe
Treść raportu:
Resignation of Statutory Auditor UniCredit S.p.A. informs you that on 9 December 2015, Ms. Federica Bonato resigned from her position as permanent Statutory Auditor, effective immediately, because in accordance with the provisions of article 36 of the Legislative Decree “Salva Italia" (so-called “interlocking directorates ban") she has decided to maintain her current position at Cattolica di Assicurazione Società Cooperativa which is due to expire on 30 April 2018. Furthermore, UniCredit S.p.A. informs you that the Stand-in Statutory Auditors, Mr Paolo Domenico Sfameni and Ms. Beatrice Lombardini, have decided not to take on the position of Statutory Auditor in replacement of Ms. Bonato: the former, because in accordance with the prescriptions of article 36 of the Legislative Decree “Salva Italia" has decided to maintain the positions already held within the Allianz Group, namely Director of Allianz Bank Financial Advisors SpA and Chairman of Investitori Sgr; the latter, due to personal reasons. For the abovementioned reasons Mr. Pierpaolo Singer, already a stand-in Auditor appointed by the shareholders’ meeting of 13 May 2014, will become Statutory Auditor and will remain in such position until the next shareholders’ meeting when the entire Board of Statutory Auditors is due to expire and, consequently, a new Board will be appointed. The Curriculum Vitae of Mr. Singer can be found on UniCredit website www.unicreditgroup.eu under the section Governance/Board of Statutory Auditors. Milan, 10 December 2015 Enquiries Investor Relations: Tel.+39-02-88624324; e-mail: [email protected] Media Relations: Tel.+39-02-88623569; e-mail: [email protected]
CS_Sindaco(ITA-ENG).pdfPress Release
UniCredit S.p.A.
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UniCreditBanki (ban)
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Fiscal Code Vat No 00348170101ź
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2015-12-11 Wioletta Reimer Attorney of UniCredit