Raport bieżący nr40/2013
Data sporządzenia: 2013-02-28
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 27, 2013
Podstawa prawna
Inne uregulowania
Treść raportu:
WESTA ISIC S.A., a joint stock company under Luxembourg law, with registered office at 412F, route d’Esch, L-2086 Luxembourg, registered in the Luxembourg Register of Companies under No. B 150.326, (the "Company"), hereby informs that the following resolutions were adopted at the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on February 27, 2013: FIRST RESOLUTION: To terminate the mandate of the Statutory Auditor (reviseur d'Entreprises agree), Deloitte S.A., having its registered office in L- 2220 Luxembourg, 560, rue de Neudorf and to appoint Baker Tilly S.A.R.L., having its registered office in L-1511 Luxembourg, 119, Avenue de la Faiencerie as the Statutory Auditor (reviseur d'Entreprises agree) of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2012 with the term of the office of the Statutory Auditor (reviseur d'Entreprises agree) until the Annual General Meeting of 2013. SECOND RESOLUTION: To accept the resignation of Mr. Christoph Kossmann, В Director in respect of the proper performance of his duties till the present Extraordinary General Meeting and to appoint his successors: Mr. Eriks Martinovskis, В Director, professional residence address: 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-l 331 Luxembourg; Mr. Frank Pletsch, В Director, professional residence address: 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-1331 Luxembourg. The mandate of the appointees will lapse at the Annual General Meeting of the year 2018 or until their successors have been duly elected. THIRD RESOLUTION: To approve the transfer of the registered office from L-2086 Luxembourg, 412F, route d'Esch to 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-l 331 Luxembourg as from February 28, 2013. FOURTH RESOLUTION To appoint Dmytriy Nikitin, A Director and Lyubov Krechmanska, С Director as members of the audit committee. The mandate of the appointees will lapse at the Annual General Meeting of the year 2018 or until their successors have been duly elected. FIFTH RESOLUTION To approve the rate of remuneration of Lyubov Krechmanska, C Director, for the period starting from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 at the gross total amount of Euro 12,000.00 (twelve thousand euro), which will be paid in December 2013. The above stated resolutions were passed with 33,100,000 votes in favour, 0 votes against and 0 abstaining. Minutes of EGM held on February 27, 2013 is available on the Company’s website under: http://www.westa.com.ua/en/cms/for_investor/general_meetings_of_shareholders.html
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
WESTA ISIC S.A.Przemysł inne (pin)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
(kod pocztowy)(miejscowość)
route d`Esch412F
+352 466111 3726+352 466111 2703
B 150.326Luxembourg
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2013-02-28Oksana MazurkevychIR ManagerOksana Mazurkevych