| On 3 January 2018 Krka, d. d., Novo mesto recived notifications from Slovenski državni holding, d.d. (the Slovenian Sovereign Holding), Mala ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana, that, based on the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, on 22 December 2017 the Slovenian Sovereign Holding transferred 2,362,194 shares with voting rights with the symbol KRKG (ISIN: SI0031102120) to the Republic of Slovenia. The Slovenian Sovereign Holding no longer owns these shares, however it may still exercise voting rights attached to these shares in accordance with the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act. Krka, d. d., Novo mesto has received two notifications of major holdings (P-DEL), from the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Sovereign Holding. After the transfer the Republic of Slovenia has 2,365,096 of direct voting rights attached to shares with the symbol KRKG, representing 7.2121% of direct voting rights, all attached to shares with the symbol KRKG. The Republic of Slovenia has no indirect voting rights attached to shares and no voting rights trough financial instruments. After the transfer the Slovenian Sovereign Holding has 2,949,876 of direct voting rights and 5,858,126 of indirect voting rights attached to shares with the symbol KRKG, representing 8.9953% of direct voting rights and 17.8637% of indirect voting rights, all attached to shares with the symbol KRKG. The Slovenian Sovereign Holding has no voting rights trough financial instruments. | |