Raport bieżący nr33/2018
Data sporządzenia: 2018-12-29
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Change in substantial blocks of shares.
Podstawa prawna
Art. 70 pkt 1 Ustawy o ofercie - nabycie lub zbycie znacznego pakietu akcji
Treść raportu:
The Management Board of Photon Energy N.V. (“The Company”) informs that with respect to a deed of transfer of Photon Energy N.V. shares from Solar Age Investments B.V. (“SAI”). to Solar Future Cooperatief U.A. and Solar Power to the People Cooperatief U.A. executed on 28 December 2018: - SAI transferred 13,675,499 Photon Energy N.V. shares to Solar Future Cooperatief U.A., - SAI transferred 12,791,501 Photon Energy N.V. shares to Solar Power to the People Cooperatief U.A.. Prior to the conclusion of the transactions on 28 December 2018: - SAI held 26,467,000 Photon Energy N.V. shares, accounting for 44.11% of the Company’s share capital and for 51.91% of the total voting rights. - Solar Future Cooperatief U.A. held Photon Energy N.V. 8,590,683 shares, accounting for 14.32% of the Company’s share capital and for 16.85% of the total voting rights. - Solar Power to the People Cooperatief U.A. held 8,051,874 Photon Energy N.V. shares, accounting for 13.42% of the Company’s share capital and for 15.79% of the total voting rights. Further to the conclusion of the transactions on 28 December 2018: - SAI holds 0 Photon Energy N.V. shares, accounting for 0% of the Company’s share capital and for 0% of the total voting rights. - Solar Future Cooperatief U.A. holds Photon Energy N.V. 22,266,182 shares, accounting for 37.11% of the Company’s share capital and for 43.67% of the total voting rights. - Solar Power to the People Cooperatief U.A. holds 20,843,375 Photon Energy N.V. shares, accounting for 34.74% of the Company’s share capital and for 40.88% of the total voting rights. As the aforementioned transfers have been executed in proportion to Solar Future Cooperatief U.A. and Solar Power to the People Cooperatief U.A.’ s respective shares in the capital of SAI (41.67% and 48.33%), the detailed transactions have no impact on the ultimate ownership of the Company’s shares, which remains unchanged.
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
PHOTON ENERGY N.V.Energetyka (ene)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
1083 HNAmsterdam
(kod pocztowy)(miejscowość)
Barbara Strozzilaan201
+31 20 240 2570+31 20 240 2598
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2018-12-29Georg Hotar & Michael GartnerDirectors