Raport bieżący nr9/2021
Data sporządzenia: 2021-02-10
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Making public of delayed confidential information concerning the Issuer's intention to pursue a transaction consisting the sale of the Issuer's subsidiaries, i.e. Work Service Czech s.r.o. and Work Service Slovakia s.r.o. to GI International SRL.
Podstawa prawna
Art. 17 ust. 4 MAR - zawiadomienie o opóźnieniu ujawnienia informacji poufnej.
Treść raportu:
Pursuant to Art. 17(1) and (4) of Regulation no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC (“MAR Regulation”), The Management Board of Work Service S.A. ("Issuer" or "Company"), communicates the confidential information, the public disclosure of which was delayed by the Company on 21 December 2020 pursuant to Art. 17(4) of the MAR Regulation, with the following wording: The Management Board of the Company, at the meeting held on 21 December 2020, announced its intention to execute transactions consisting of sale of all shares of the Issuer's subsidiaries, i.e. WS Czech s.r.o. and WS Slovakia s.r.o. to GI International SRL(wholly owned by Gi Group SpA with its registered office in Milan) ("Transactions"). The implementation of the Transaction is a result of the conclusion of an operating cooperation agreement within the Gi Group, about which the Issuer announced in current report 91/2020. The effect of the Transaction anticipated by the Issuer is the achievement of mutual synergies, economies of scale and reduction of operating costs of the capital group of the Issuer and GI Group SpA, which is indirectly the parent company of the Issuer. In order for the Management Board of the Company to commence works aimed at implementing the Transaction, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company; should such approval be obtained, the Issuer shall promptly publish information to that effect in a relevant current report. As a result of the analysis carried out, the Issuer assumed that qualification of the above-mentioned information as confidential within the meaning of Art. 17 (1) MAR, subject to publication in the form of this report, is justified. Legal basis: Art. 17(1) and (4) of MAR (Regulation EU no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC. Signatures: Iwona Szmitkowska – President of the Management Board Nicola Dell’Edera - Vice-President of the Management Board
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
WORK SERVICE S.A.Usługi inne (uin)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
(kod pocztowy)(miejscowość)
+48 71 37 10 900+48 71 37 10 938
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2021-02-10Iwona Szmitkowska President of the Management Board
2021-02-10Nicola Dell’Edera Vice-President of the Management Board