Intercapital Property Development ADSIC, a company incorporated and conducting business in the Republic of Bulgaria, registered with the Commercial Registry by the Bulgarian Registration Agency under number EIK 131397743, having its seat and registered address in Sofia, Dobrudja 6a Street, floor 4 (hereinafter referred to as "ICPD") presents its annual audited non-consolidated financial report as of 31.12.2021
Corp Governance.pdf
Decl. art. 100n 4.4_ICPD_Luben.pdf
Decl. art. 100n 4.4_ICPD_Velichko.pdf
ICPD.xls EN.pdf
Managers report_ICPD_v.2022 - v3-FINAL.pdf
REPORT art 12.pdf
Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko Podpis
2022-03-31 17:37:18Velichko KlingovExecutive Director
Corp Governance.pdf

Decl. art. 100n 4.4_ICPD_Luben.pdf

Decl. art. 100n 4.4_ICPD_Velichko.pdf

ICPD.xls EN.pdf


Managers report_ICPD_v.2022 - v3-FINAL.pdf

REPORT art 12.pdf