Intercapital Property Development ADSIC, a company incorporated and conducting business in the Republic of Bulgaria, registered with the Commercial Registry by the Bulgarian Registration Agency under number EIK 131397743, having its seat and registered address in Sofia, 7a Aksakov Street, floor 4 (hereinafter referred to as "ICPD") announces the following: on the grounds of Art. 115, paragraph 1 of the Law on the public offering of securities in compliance with Art. 223, paragraph 1, first sentence of the Commercial Act and Art. 97 of the Articles of Association of "INTERCAPITAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT” АDSIC, the Board of Directors of the Company shall convene the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders for the year 2016, on 30th June 2016 at 14:00 h., in Sofia city, Shipka street № 14, hotel Crystal Palace, conference room “Shipka”. The registration of the shareholders and the individuals authorized to represent the shareholders shall start at 13:00 h. on the day and at the place of holding of the General Meeting. Legal basis: § 17 Section 3 of the Alternative Trading System Rules NewConnect |