Raport bieżący nr27/2018
Data sporządzenia: 2018-11-22
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Insider Trading Notification.
Podstawa prawna
Art. 19 ust. 3 MAR - informacja o transakcjach wykonywanych przez osoby pełniące obowiązki zarządcze.
Treść raportu:
The Management Board of Photon Energy N.V. informs that, - on 19 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 2,023 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.81 per share, - on 19 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 3,196 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.82 per share, - on 19 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 4,514 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.89 per share, - on 19 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 7,953 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.90 per share, - on 19 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 1,048 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.91 per share, - on 21 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 6,900 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.83 per share, - on 21 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 3,360 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.84 per share, - on 22 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 6,050 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.84 per share, - on 22 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 7,130 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.83 per share, - on 22 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 336 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.82 per share, - on 22 November 2018, Photon Energy N.V. purchased 8,714 Photon Energy N.V. shares at a price of PLN 1.85 per share. The total amount of the notified transactions is PLN 94,844 (EUR 22,001). Prior to the conclusion of the above mentioned transactions, Photon Energy N.V. held 8,927,468 shares in the Company, which accounted for 14.88 % of the Company’s share capital and carried no rights to vote at the Company’s general meeting of shareholders. Further to the conclusion of the above mentioned transactions, Photon Energy N.V. holds 8,978,692 shares, which account for 14.96% of the Company’s share capital and carry no rights to vote at the Company’s general meeting of shareholders.
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
PHOTON ENERGY N.V.Energetyka (ene)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
1083 HNAmsterdam
(kod pocztowy)(miejscowość)
Barbara Strozzilaan201
+31 20 240 2570+31 20 240 2598
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2018-11-22Georg Hotar & Michael GartnerDirectors