Raport bieżący nr14/2020
Data sporządzenia: 2020-04-21
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Validation and Integration of CathCheck™ Feature into the CompuFlo® Epidural System
Podstawa prawna
Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR - informacje poufne.
Treść raportu:
The Board of Directors of Milestone Medical Inc. (WAR: MMD, “the Company”, “the Issuer”) today announced that it has validated and integrated the new CathCheck™ feature into the CompuFlo® Epidural System. Using CathCheck™, physicians and nurses can monitor the placement of a catheter to determine the presence or absence of a pulsatile waveform (heartbeat) providing new information that can be used to determine if the catheter is in place or has become dislodged from the epidural space. This can be performed within seconds by measuring the pulsatile waveform within the epidural space. This capability saves time and money and provides better patient care. The Board of Directors of the Issuer commented that “CathCheck™ marks a technological leap forward in both the capabilities and intellectual property surrounding the CompuFlo® Epidural System—adding another 20 years to our patent protection. This capability makes CompuFlo® the first and only known instrument that can confirm the placement of a catheter within seconds, versus 20–40 minutes using conventional methods. Traditionally, the only way to verify placement was through a bolus injection of medication, and waiting an extended period to subjectively measure patient response. With this new feature, physicians and nurses can verify in near real-time that the catheter is placed correctly, and can re-check the catheter every time the patient is moved and throughout the day to ensure that the catheter has not been dislodged. The Board of Directors of the Issuer believes that the confidence gained with CathCheck™ and its ability to check catheter placement should cross over to the epidural procedure itself, where physicians and anesthesiologists can use the CompuFlo to further verify needle placement in the epidural space and provide supporting documentation throughout and after the procedure. From the standpoint of the hospital, the Issuer discovered during clinical evaluations that checking catheters throughout the day not only takes a lot of time but is costly to the institution. Epidural catheters dislodge an estimated 3-4 times a day. The average hospital has anywhere from 6-10 patients per day and larger hospitals have as many as 20-30 patients each day, or more, with catheters post birth. Given these numbers, The Board of Directors of the Issuer believes the CathCheck™ feature will help to significantly reduce time and cost for the institution. More importantly, The Board of Directors of the Issuer believes CathCheck™ will help improve the overall patient experience, by ensuring the patient gets the necessary medication without delay. Utilizing a high-resolution in-line pressure sensor in combination with the unique data processing within the CompuFlo System, CathCheck™ is capable of detecting both the in-situ pressure as well as the presence of a pulsatile pressure waveform. The pulsatile waveform is representative of the detection of pressures that are produced by the cardio-vascular system either directly or indirectly. This in turn can be used to aid in the identification of a needle or a catheter within an anatomic structure such as the epidural space. This same system can be used to aid in the determination of the patency of a catheter and to assist in determining if a catheter has been displaced during a procedure.
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DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2020-04-21Joseph D'Agostino Chief Financial Officer Joseph D'Agostino