Raport bieżący nr55/2014
Data sporządzenia: 2014-05-14
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Zawiadomienie zgodnie z Art.69 Ustawy o ofercie – zmiana udziału w ogólnej liczbie głosów na WZA GLOBAL ENERGY S.A.
Podstawa prawna
Art. 70 pkt 1 Ustawy o ofercie - nabycie lub zbycie znacznego pakietu akcji
Treść raportu:
Zarząd Global Energy S.A. działając zgodnie z art. 70 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o ofercie publicznej i warunkach wprowadzania instrumentów finansowych do zorganizowanego systemu obrotu oraz o spółkach publicznych informuje o otrzymaniu w dniu wczorajszym od podmiotu "STAR Ventures GmbH" dalej zwanym "STAR" zawiadomienia w trybie Art. 69 ust.1 pkt.2 oraz Art. 69 ust.4 i 4b - Ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 2005 roku o ofercie publicznej i warunkach wprowadzania instrumentów finansowych do zorganizowanego systemu obrotu oraz o spółkach publicznych, dotyczącego zmiany przez STAR udziału w kapitale i w głosach na Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy spółki Global Energy S.A. STAR Ventures GmbH przekazała następującą treść zawiadomienia: “Notification according to article 69 of the Act on Public Offering According to article 69 par.1 pt. 2 and article 69 par. 4 and 4b of the Act of July 29, 2005 on Public offering, Conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments to the organized trading and Public companies, we would like to notify about STAR Ventures GmbH change of the number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company Global Energy SA seated in Warsaw ("the Company"), due to completion of settlement of the disposal of Company's shares on May 13th, 2014 and other execution of disposals of Company's shares until the date of this notification. Before the aforesaid sales STAR Ventures GmbH held 6 082 944 ---Six million eighty two thousand nine hundred forty four--- shares amounting to 6 082 944 ---Six million eighty two thousand nine hundred forty four--- votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, equal to 18,14 ---Eighteen and fourteen hundreds--- percent in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. In the result of aforesaid completion of settlement of the disposal of Company's shares on May 13th, 2014 and other disposals of Company's shares after May 8th, 2014 (the day of the execution of first disposal) until the date of this notification, STAR Ventures GmbH changed its shareholding in the Company all together by 2 732 944 ---Two million seven hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred forty four--- shares amounting to 2 732 944 ---Two million seven hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred forty four--- votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, equal to 8,15 ---Eight and fifteen hundreds--- percent in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. According to disclosure requirements connected with the Act on Public Offering for occurred significant changes in the shareholding of the Company between the day of the aforesaid execution of the disposal on ---May 8th, 2014--- and the day of the completion of settlement of this disposal ---May 13th, 2014--- we inform that such further change throughout this period took place resulting after execution of the aforesaid disposals that STAR Ventures GmbH holds 3 350 000 ---Three million three hundred fifty thousand ---shares amounting to 3 350 000 ---Three million three hundred fifty thousand--- votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, equal to 9,99 ---Nine and ninety nine hundreds--- percent in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Due to reduction of STAR Ventures GmbH equity interest in the Company, the requirement of declaration on further increase or decrease in the number of votes in the Company does not apply. In addition according to Art.87 point 1.3.c of the Act on Public Offering we inform that with no third person or party are signed any agreements for transfer of votes from the shares of the Company. “
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
GLOBAL ENERGY S.A.Drzewny (drz)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
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22 497 19 6222 497 19 63
[email protected]www.globalenergy.pl
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2014-05-14Jacek MaliszewskiPrezes Zarządu