Raport bieżący nr | 14 | / | 2017 | |||||||||
Data sporządzenia: | 2017-12-08 | |||||||||||
Skrócona nazwa emitenta | ||||||||||||
MILKILAND N.V. | ||||||||||||
Temat | ||||||||||||
Appointment of Accon AVM as an independent auditor of Milkiland N.V. and signing the Engagement letter with this firm | ||||||||||||
Podstawa prawna | ||||||||||||
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieї№ce i okresowe | ||||||||||||
Treść raportu: | ||||||||||||
The Board of Directors of Milkiland N.V. (hereinafter - “the Company") hereby informs that According to the article 2:393 of the Dutch Civil Code, the article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public-interest entities and repealing Commission Decision 2005/909/EC, the Resolution of the Board of Directors of Milkiland N.V. dated November 10, 2017, Accon AVM Controlepraktijk B.V. (hereinafter “Accon AVM”) was appointed as the external, independent auditor of Milkiland for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. Accon AVM is a Dutch legal entity with its registered office at: OUDE BOSSCHEWEG 5, 5301, La Zaltbommel, the Netherlands, which is entitled to provide services, as an independent auditor under the requirements of Dutch legislation, including Dutch Civil Code and Dutch Corporate Governance Code. On 20 November 2017 the Engagement letter between Accon AVM and Milkiland N.V. was sighed, which scope, inter alia, envisage the provision of independent auditor services for the purpose of determining whether the financial statements of Milkiland N.V. and Milkiland Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2017 give a true and fair view on the Company’s and the Group’s financial statements. The Engagement letter will remain valid until the engagement will be completed. Milkiland did not use the services of Accon AVM before and does not have any other engagements with this company except of the above mentioned engagement. |
MILKILAND N.V. | ||||||||||||||||
(pełna nazwa emitenta) | ||||||||||||||||
MILKILAND N.V. | Spożywczy (spo) | |||||||||||||||
(skrócona nazwa emitenta) | (sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie) | |||||||||||||||
1081CN | Amsterdam | |||||||||||||||
(kod pocztowy) | (miejscowość) | |||||||||||||||
De Cuserstraat | 93 | |||||||||||||||
(ulica) | (numer) | |||||||||||||||
+38 044 369 52 53 | ||||||||||||||||
(telefon) | (fax) | |||||||||||||||
(e-mail) | (www) | |||||||||||||||
1234 | 1234 | |||||||||||||||
(NIP) | (REGON) |
Data | Imię i Nazwisko | Stanowisko/Funkcja | Podpis | ||
2017-12-08 | Sergey Trifonov | IR Officer | Sergey Trifonov |