Intercapital Property Development ADSIC, a company incorporated and conducting business in the Republic of Bulgaria, registered with the Commercial Registry by the Bulgarian Registration Agency under number EIK 131397743, having its seat and registered address in Sofia, 7a Aksakov Street, floor 4 (hereinafter referred to as "ICPD") informs the public of the following:

On 19.09.2017, the Company received a disclosure notification for share participation of Alpha Trading Limited, pursuant to which the share participation of the company (direct and indirect) in the capital of the Company, respectively in the voting rights that it can exercise at the General meeting of the Company’s shareholders, amounts to 12.33% as of 13.09.2017. The direct share participation of Alpha Trading Limited is 7.34% and the indirect through Titan Bulgaria OOD (where Alpha Trading Limited has controlling participation) is 4.99%. On the other side, the person who controls Alpha Trading Limited, is Charles John Bennett.
In its notification to ICPD Alpha Trading Limited clears out that the company is the successor of the assets of two companies including 828 624 shares of the capital of Intercapital Property Development ADSIC. All of those shares at the time when Alpha Trading Limited became successor of the assets have been delivered as a collateral in repo transactions with third parties. On 13.09.2017 two of the repo transactions for 387 428 shares were closed (i.e. the shares being repurchased and transferred to the account of Alpha Trading Limited in Central Depository AD). On the same date Alpha Trading Limited sold these 387 428 shares and holds directly the remaining 441 196 shares of the capital of Intercapital Property Development ADSIC, however those shares being collateral in repo transactions.

Legal Basis: § 17 Section 4 of the Alternative Trading System Rules NewConnect
ICPD_20170925_dqlovo uchastie_rev.pdf
Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko Podpis
2017-09-25 17:58:14Milen BozhilovInvestor relations director
ICPD_20170925_dqlovo uchastie_rev.pdf