Raport bieżący nr56/2021
Data sporządzenia:2021-11-19
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
Podstawa prawna
Treść raportu:
EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT is pursuant to the Capital Market Act and to Decree No: 24/2008. (VIII.15.) of the Minister of Finance. ENEFI Vagyonkezelo Nyrt. (registered seat: 1039 Budapest, Pünkösdfürdo u. 52. 4. emelet 413. ajtó) (Company) hereby informs its Honourable Investors that considering the introduction of the 3,650,000 pieces of HUF 10 par value, ID: HU0000173729 ISIN, dematerialised, series “A” ordinary shares set out in the Prospectus1 approved by decision No: H-KE-III-579/2021. (issued on 28 September 2021) of the Central Bank of Hungary to the regulated market (Shares Section, ‘Standard’ category) operated by Budapesti Értéktozsde Zrt. (registered seat: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 7. Platina torony I. ép. IV. em.) (Budapest Stock Exchange, BSE), these shares shall be converted at the rate of 1:1 to, HUF 10 par value each, Series A, ID: HU0000089198 ISIN dematerialised ordinary shares already traded at the BSE (“Conversion”). The planned value date of the Conversion according to the “schedule”: 11 November 2021 which date shall also be the first trading day of the converted shares on the BSE (D-Day or FTD) i.e. the first day from which trading takes place with the increased amount of shares. After the Conversion, the number of the shares of the Company traded at the BSE shall be increased from 7,500,000 pieces to 11,150,000 pieces. In the Conversion, those shareholders shall be entitled to the HU0000089198 ordinary shares who had HU0000173729 ordinary shares (closing position) at the end of the day preceding the planned value day of the Conversion (10 November 2021). Based on arrangements with KELER Zrt. on the process of the Conversion, let us hereby call the attention of the Honourable Investors to the following: D-3 Day, 8 November 2021: HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares may be OTC-traded with on this day based on the rules of KELER Zrt. in the Securities Settlement System of KELER Zrt. D-1 Day 10 November 2021: According to the rules of KELER Zrt., account transactions may be last performed on this day with HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares. That day shall be the “EFFECTIVE DATE” of the event. Those shareholders shall be entitled to HU0000089198 ordinary shares on the D-Day who had HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares at the end of this day, that is who had closing positions. 1 https://www.bet.hu/newkibdata/128614016/ENEFI_T%C3%A1j%C3%A9koztat%C3%B3_210929.pdf D-Day 11 November 2021: By the ‘T’ Day opening of the Securities Settlement System of KELER Zrt., the involved amount of HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares shall be automatically cancelled from the accounts involved and then the HU0000089198 ISIN ordinary shares already on the stock exchange shall be credited on the accounts involved. KLER Zrt. shall record the potential closures, transfer restrictions of the deleted HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares on the new (stock exchange) HU0000089198 ISIN ordinary shares and then automatically delete the potential pending items on the deleted HU0000173729 ISIN ordinary shares. The first trading day (FTD) of HU0000089198 ISIN ordinary shares on the BSE shall be 11 November 2021 and under the rules of the stock exchange, the accounting day on transactions made on the first trading day shall be (D+2) 15 November 2021. KELER Zrt. shall issue an announcement to the account holders on the tasks related to the conversion in the period following the present announcement through the KID system. The Company hereby also informs its Honourable Investors that the planned first trading day of the 5,456,109 pieces, of HUF 10 par value each, Serries “H” dematerialised, ID: HU0000173737 ISIN dividend-priority shares at the BSE shall also be 11 November 2021. Budapest, 28 October 2021. Board of Directors ENEFI Vagyonkezelo Nyrt.
056_ENEFI_announcement shares_211028_EN.pdf
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DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2021-11-19Csaba SoósBoard of Directors
056_ENEFI_announcement shares_211028_EN.pdf